Lahore has never been that cold since the 1950s

The temperature was recorded at –2.2 degrees Celsius on Tuesday morning, the coldest since 1953. Met Office director Muhammad Riaz said the department had recorded –2 degrees Celsius in January 2006 and –1.15 degrees Celsius earlier in January this year. He said the temperature in the city had dipped below freezing thrice since 1953. Even though the sky remained clear and the sun shone, Lahoris felt the bite of the chill throughout the day. Mr Riaz said that in Pakistan the temperature usually fell after the rains, which came in the first week of January. “Usually, a cold wave sweeps through the mountainous region and the Northern Areas after rains caused by the westerly system.” He said that in January 2008 the country witnessed continuous rain, thunderstorms, snowfall and hailstorm. The Metrological Department has forecast cold and dry weather for today (Wednesday), stating the current cold wave will last another two or three days. source

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